“Bring people from different cultures together to unite,
share, and strengthen each other in one place…. called Ledokombo.”
Tanoker (pupa in Madura language) is a community in the region Ledokombo, Jember, East Java. With the motto “friendly, fun, learn, work”, Tanoker is currently conducting the process of organizing the cultural approach among primary and junior high school students. The goal is to develop their characters and potentials. The members of Tanoker in general are the sons and daughters of migrant workers, farmers, motorcycle taxi drivers, drivers, small merchants, teachers, domestic helper (PRT) and housewife.
Through the initiative of the children themselves, they have formed a diverse group of activities which include traditional games, reading, writing, mathematics, English, cooking, sports, music, dancing, and painting. Members of the group are assisted in preparing the work of the group that will be shown in an exhibition every two months to the community (parents, teachers, peers, enthusiasts) as well as the guests from inside and outside the Ledokombo village. All the guests will be expected to give comments and inputs for the improvement of Ledokombo children’s work in the future. This exhibition is the arena of learning, entertainment, creativity development, and “deliberation about the children” for the progress of the children. In this event each visitor is expected to bring food (rice, side dishes, snacks) because the chain of events will end with having meals together. So this is also a kind of village celebration and alternative recreation to Ledokombo and surrounding communities.
In this event there will be performances from friends of Tanoker’s network like the students of the schools, madrasah, guests, and parents of the Tanoker members. Every now and then, it is expected for the community to gain new knowledge through the assessment / short lectures, film screenings, or theatrical performances of the society or the observers from outside the town / overseas. In addition to the village celebration, in the future it is also expected that every month the members of Tanoker will visit various villages around the District Ledokombo to discuss various issues of children and have fun with the local children.
In order to develop the kids, Tanoker also make efforts to develop the capacity of the various parties related with children such as teachers, parents, religious leaders, and community leaders. Inspirative teacher and creative parent training, Jarimatika (quick counting method using fingers), and a Mathematical method called GASING, and also English For Comminity have been implemented. Tanoker is in cooperation with Jarimatika Salatiga Foundation, Surya Institute Jakarta, and Yasmin Learning Centre in Jakarta.
Another Tanoker typical agenda is a celebration of the great days (National or International) as the National Children’s Day, Kartini Day, Mother’s Day, Independence Day, Valentine’s Day, etc. In such events, whenever possible, we also invite the “National and International representatives” to grow the sense of global togetherness and mutual respect from Ledokombo environment. During the year 2010, this celebration has been done several times. In February 2010, we celebrated Chinese New Year, Maulid (Prophet Mohammad birthday), and Valentine’s Day with individual unique stilts race competition. Kartini Day was celebrated in April by organizing gender equality shalawat (Song for praising prophet Muhammad) Musawa competitions. In the National Children’s day and Indonesian Independence Day 2010, there has been a Festival of Unique Stilts Team (Tanoker’s collaboration with Ledokombo District Government and the Department of Tourism of Jember). In December the Mathematical Olympiad was held for the mothers in order to celebrate the Mother’s Day (in collaboration with the ANBTI – Aliansi Nasional Bhineka Tunggal Ika / Unity in Diversity National Alliance).
Currently, beside practicing traditional stilt games and learning GASING (Gampang, Asyik, dan Tidak Bikin Pusing – Easy, Fun, and No Dizziness) Mathematics as routines, a new activity which is Long Distance Learning Interaction is being prepared. Teleconference method (using the internet that we just set up in the village ) with various societies both inside and outside the country (for example: schools, child organizations, teachers, scientists, maids / workers, community leaders and religious leaders, farmers, students etc.).
These activities came from the dream of Tanoker’s to make “Tanoker region” and the area of Ledokombo as a GLOCAL (local-global) region. An area for all, the place where people from various backgrounds (racial, ethnic, national, religious, and cultural groups) meet, and is managed to encourage one another to create prosperity, peace, and justice… for the better future. Tanoker is having goals to transform the dream into reality…
To support the various activities of Tanoker, we wholeheartedly invite you to join us as “Friends of Tanoker”. As now Tanoker is building an outdoor activity places on the two plots of 850m2 and 1500m2 land and a Multi-Function Room (Resource Centre) on 6X8m2 land. Other than being used as a studying area, two locations of Outdoor Learning Interaction Areas will be used also as an outbound arena for traditional games and a “nature” stage for multicultural performances from the children. A meeting arena for various groups from different backgrounds (especially children) to celebrate unity in diversity. While the multi-function building (two floors were planned) will be used as a library, a place to practice (music, dance, multimedia, English), discuss, and teleconfrence / distance learning.
To achieve all those goals, we kindly ask you to join us, share resources and efforts. If you have the tools to support the children’s learning such as children’s books, school supplies, educational CD games / film, and /or new/secondhand computers (PCs and laptops), camera, handycam, please do not discard them. Tanoker and the Ledokombo community still need them.
Apart from the things mentioned above, the contribution of the expertise of volunteers is expected. You can be a study partner for Long Distance Learning Interaction (via Internet) and various skills (eg English, computer / multi-media, film making, dancing, singing, etc.) or if you’re interested you could also participate in supporting activities and construction improvements of the multi-function hall and Tanoker Outdoor Learning Areas-Interaction.
Thank You / Mator Sakalangkong / Terima kasih
We do believe…
Change can be done anywhere…
even from the village
driven by the village children
toward our better future …
Attend the Annual Agenda of Tanoker Ledokombo!
The third Unique Stilts Festival Team , Saturday, July 7, 2012 in Alun-Alun Ledokombo
Your presence has been long awaited
We welcome everyone to come to Ledokombo
Create peace for our better future
If you have questions you can contact us via e-mail: tanoker@tanoker.org
Facebook: Tanoker Ledokombo, Website: www.tanoker.org
Phone: (0331) 593 882, 081230489909, 081331485772, 081216382291 (Suporahardjo / Farha Ciciek / Dewi).
Sekeretariat Tanoker Jl. Kantor Polisi, Simpang Tiga Desa Ledokombo, Kecamatan Ledokombo, Kabupaten Jember, JAWA TIMUR.